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Career Fair at Countryside Secondary School (May 2024)

Shanna-Kay Stephes

The Brampton Literacy Centre @bramlitcentre attended the Career Fair at Countryside Secondary School @countrysidepdsb on May 23, 2024.

I had the honour of speaking to elementary students and their parents about my career journey in social work.

To make this presentation possible, my children assisted me with the following tasks:

- setting up and decorating our table

- changing the slides on the laptop as I presented to students and parents

- talking and interacting with other students, parents, and educators

These meaningful experiences teaches them responsibility, time management, entrepreneurial, and interpersonal skills.

Stephens family children helping to setup and decorating Brampton Literacy Centre table
Stephens family children helping to setup and decorating Brampton Literacy Centre table

Stephens Family children helping change slides during Shanna-Kay's presentation on behalf of Brampton Literacy Centre.
Stephens Family children helping change slides during Shanna-Kay's presentation on behalf of Brampton Literacy Centre.



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